8:41 PM / Posted by Kenious Kongiaz /

I looked back at the year and saw a trail. This trail and its debris of countless specks of dust reminded me that life offers much more surprises. The trail was certainly a different one that I have since walked on when I was donning the mantra of schooling. Working and being an adult left me with a certain nostalgia for uniforms and the truckload of books. Nevertheless, I am fitting in into my new role. The way of life is a constant cycle and a craved out path for which everyone will go through similar experiences.

Birth, old, sickness and death. The wisdom from Buddha encompassed this path that we are walking on. Holding on to things is what we love to do, especially if its pleasure and happiness. We do know that such things are not forever, yet, we lied to ourselves often and believed that its forever. Acceptance is a way of life that I embraced. I accept the things for what they are. Certainly, I am struggling everyday to make sense of things. I accept all and accept none. The frustrating part is that I am conscious of what I am doing and yet subconsciously rejecting this world.

2008 was a defining year for me. In terms of accepting my role as a working person. Of course, it meant that I was in charge of my life and steering to the direction that I want it to go.

Did not blog much because mainly there was a shift in priorities. But I love to express myself through written words, like the poets from many eons ago. A tinge of beauty amid tumultuous times. More importantly, an avenue for the venting of frustrations.

Do really want to extend my comfort zone further in 2009.



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