Don't be down

3:02 PM / Posted by Kenious Kongiaz /

There are two sides to everything. Either you capture the good side and ignore the bad side, or just wallop in despair and believe that there is nothing good. I need to remind myself constantly not to roll in the mud of depression and to carpe diem. There are things to be learnt even in the worst of time. It is through the darkest moments in the night, that the first ray of sunlight reverberates the most. It is through the toughest times that heroes are made. 故天降大任于斯人也.

Lessons need to be brunt deeply into me before I can harness the wisdom from the lessons. Right now I am at a cross-road. I need to remember the lessons and feel the pain first. I need to move on. Really move on.

And there are things that I abhor. And yet, ironically, the source of the things is exactly like a karma haunting me. I really wish to take off and lead a different before my life expires. Too much mundane stuff hurts my creativity and my personality. Enough.




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