resolutions scare me

2:42 AM / Posted by Kenious Kongiaz /

The heralding of the new year is just less than a month away. It would also mean a new decade, as we wearily waded away from the first decade of this millenium.

1 Jan 2010 will mean a new year and a new decade. As traditions would hold, we make resolutions, hoping that the air of freshness will lift our spirit and will and hence to accomplish what we set out to do. Yet many a time, it doesn't work out just like that. We missed our targets, frustrations set in and we pray that the next year quickly comes around, just so we can redeem ourselves from our guilt by making more resolutions.

I have a lot of resolutions. First of which is to overcome my laziness and my lack of concentration. Secondly, to better my relationships with my family and close friends and to form new frendships. Thirdly, to pass my CFA.

I could go on. But all these will then be meaningless except to assusage my guilt. I am scared of resolutions, or for that matter, making resolutions. I know I will disappoint myself.

Resolutions scare me......



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